Kamis, 05 Desember 2019

Thankyou, 2019.

Hey, 2019.

2019 —is almost over.
I’ve been lived for 19 years, wow? I’m old.
A lot of things happened.
It’s been a hard time & amazing time for me.
There’s Up & Down.
Never expect i can get through it until now.
I can’t be more grateful for all of those things that ever happened and came to my life in 2019.

I met my idol,
I became a main character for a Theater show
Became an actress for some short movies
Then there are many other things...

My family?
Well, we’re fine
i hope so.

We also have been through a lot.
We’re actually fine, sometimes.
‘Cause sometimes we had a little fight
— and that’s fine & normal, i guess?
I hope my family is getting better and better.
‘Cause i know we’re  actually love each other.
They’re always supporting about what i’m doing, even they’re sucks sometimes.
But no matter what,
I love my family,
So much.

And one thing that i’m so grateful to have to in my life this year, is my boyfriend.

@acengnurhidayat(i hope you see this post too)
He’s my 24/7.
He’s my support system because — he has been supporting me the whole time.
He’s my bestfriend.
He’s my lover.
He’s a home.

I’m so grateful & feel so lucky to have him in my life —as my boyfriend
He’s a MAN.
He’s different.
I NEVER had a boyfriend like him before.
He changed me to be a better person,
little by little.
He made me feel loved and,
made me feel i’m very worthy to live.

He’s just — amazing.

I love him so much.

Thankyou, 2019
I’ve learned a lot of things.
Hope it’ll makes me a better person in another year that will be coming — means 2020.
